Our certifications are a guarantee to our customers. They give them the security that their purchased coffee follows standardized criteria that benefit our farmers and the environment. As Karangura Peak Coffee, we work with Fairtrade and we are in the process of receiving organic certification.
Our Fairtrade standards change the way trade works through better prices, decent working conditions, and a fairer deal for farmers and workers in our organization.
Organic certification standards guarantee that the entire coffee supply chain has been following strict international standards of organic agriculture. Organic coffee production practices strive to protect the natural environment while providing healthy coffee to our customers
Being Fairtrade and organic means that we can focus on producing the highest quality coffee and creating a meaningful impact in our farming communities while strengthening our traceability strategy and ensuring a direct connection between our farmers and customers across the globe. Our strategy with our members remains the same, offering above market prices and ongoing trainings to ensure compliance with international standards.